Saturday, October 15, 2005

"Good" Turns Up

... Just when you think that life offers nothing, something pops up and suprises you. God show's his goodness in so many different ways, and I think I fail to see it sometimes. Life is... Life. But he is still good, and he is still with me. (!) Today, I got a phonecall from The Art Institute of Toronto (wow!) from a lady named Suzette concerning Fashion Merchandising and Marketing Courses. We talked for over twenty minutes, a one-on-one interview. So, the totally awesome thing about it is that they're going to follow up my interest in the next year about going to their school, but continue to send me information and phone me. So, the Art Institute of Toronto is located downton Toronto (So downtown that is infact, across from CN tower). A big city setting, real big city setting. I am so ready. I also asked her Job Placement, and that is something they do offer. And the classes I get to take to get there are amazing.. photography, store planning, styling, retail management.. classes that I could use to any enterapeneur (sp?) related job. And, the best part of it that it's Toronto.. and shows. After I saw Feist, Jason Collett and New Buffalo live I knew it was something I really do love. Wow. There's also one in Vancouver and New York (ha!), both places I'd love to live. It's funny how I can be so city-orientated, and I've lived in a farm in rural Saskatchewan for 5 years. I guess I get it from my Mom... she lived in Winnipeg until she married my Dad, big city dreams of being an artist.. and. Now, look at her life. Different... But her outlook on it is not that negative. She misses it sometimes though, that I know. She yearns for culture and people, something that I have always. anyways. So, we'll see what happens!
Today has been a up-and-down kind of day. The sunshine brought a smile to my face, and coffee at Sabines with Kate, Chad and Vinny was good. I have grown to love that place... I could sit in there for hours, probably. But there has been times in this day, where I wish things weren't the way they were. I hate that feeling... and the feeling of being cold. So cold you cannot warm up, possibly ever. I hate that that is beginning already.
Something was mentioned about going and watching the hockey game tonight, but I guess we'll see. Maybe i'll watch one of those movies I rented, or maybe some more of the Food Channel... gosh, i'm a dork. Or study for history, that would be a good thing. I also decided im dying my hair auburn, as soon as I get my hands on some dye. That was pointless.
So... I think i'm going to go out for a run. But have a good night, all.
oh. and these song lyrics...


Anonymous said...

Hey Brooke...
so I'm just wastin time online tonite, thought i'd check out whats been on your mind lately... nice work with the whole Art Institute thing, thats awesome. i'm so happy for you that you've found something that really interests you... i will miss you though if your way out in toronto, but dont let that stop ya... i'll just have to come visit ya and we'll check out some amazing shows, alrite? sounds like a good plan to me.. k well anywayz, i'll see ya tomorrow in church... good night babycakes,,,, love Chrissy

zachary said...

Im stoked for you brooke. that would be so cool to go to school in a big city like that. well done girl.

;zachary michael