Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I want life in every word to the extent that it's absurd

Perfect. Days like these are the days that make life what it is. These are the days where I am happy- a coffee in my hand, music in my ears, fishnets, my vans,messy rockabily hair... ; me. I want oh so much more from life. I want each and every day and each and every moment, and soak it all up. I want to find beauty in each person I encounter, in each circumstance that I experience, in.... all.
It's hard to find inspiration when your walking in the mall, and everything seems the same, and each and everyone does seem the same. But each are different, although appearence may decieve. It's easy to pinpoint a person you've never met and judge, because you don't understand them. Understanding people is like understanding life-- you may never, but you begin too each and every day. Today I am inspired to be MORE. And see .... MORE.
I left at noon for the S'toon. I took a walk downtown, with my camera and my iPod. That was good... how I love cities, lots of people... different people, strangers. Went into the library and ended up picking up more then a few awesome cds, and some books... photography ones too. I hung out at Starbucks for a while, mainly writing and just watching people, and writing some more. Found a nice pair of boots, and bought em. Bought Love is Hell, Ryan Adams, Destination: Beautiful, Mae -- and not regretting either. Value Village offered me nothing, but that I am okay with. Hung out at Mcnally for a while, but it was kind of crowded so I left fast. Been watching a movie with my parents for the past while and waiting for Bryce and Chirssy to call again. Waiting... for.... oh, I don't know. For me to make up my mind. Because in not doing so, I am hurting others, and I know that, but it's just so hard.
Good night guys... Love you all, each and every one of you is a peice of inspiration, and that I mean.

Listening to: Mae " Skyline Drive", "Sun". Ryan Adams "Political Scientist" "Avalanche"

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