Friday, November 04, 2005

I Just Need This To Be Alright.

So. It is done. It's over with.
Relief? Defnitely. The weight of my heart feels slightly less, and the whole thing seemed 200 times easier then I stressed about. I mean... the thing was eating away at my heart for basically, the whole week, and I was just so unhappy with it. And it's funny because it probably took more courage doing that then breaking up with a boyfriend of ten months! And I'm... happy? I am in computer lab, wishing I could check the e-mail, right now, listening to some Iron and Wine and typing away with the risk of a whole bunch of 6th graders reading this... but. And I can't believe it. .... wow. So I should probably let Alex know as I said I would, and get on this speech for tonight, but. I feel more like blogging now.
So. I am the biggest geek, and today I feel it. Ha, the fact that I just walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror at my hair, which I left for school this morning, it being wet and somewhat scrunched into waves... and it is messy. No one, I repeat no one would walk around school with their hair like that, But me... hey. The fact that I spend almost all my spares in this computer lab blogging, reading real long music interviews and listening to music that no one in this school does. The fact that I sit at the coffee shop alone, studying or doing homework... and the fact that I actually do my homework, that is pretty geeky, or so someone said to me todays. The fact that I enjoy coloring little kids coloring books and swings and defnitely playing spy, and the fact that I yell at little kids (no worries.. only junior high ones) if they are in my way, and enjoy it. The fact that I was so excited the other day about going to the library, and then leaving the library without about 200 items... among other things. So... what?
But I am done now, because writing in here seems to take the point out of all of this, it feels as if everyone is watching, and well, they proabably are.
I will write tonight, possibly. Good night all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blogger's attack brings race to the surface in Maryland Senate contest
A blogger's depiction of Lt. Gov. Michael Steele in minstrel makeup has brought to the surface issues of race -- and fidelity to one's race -- as the Republican seeks to become Maryland's first black senator.
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