Sunday, July 16, 2006

i remember that time when i believed what you would say. i remember that time when you held the whole world in your hands. i remember that time when i believed you were safe. i remember when you built that independance in me, but kept me at arms length. i remember that time when i believed in that kind of independance, the one where you and me were interconnected. i remember those times when i was smiling and you were smiling back at me. i remember those times when you were so proud of me. i remember that time when i didn't need to worry, when you did it for me.

it started in mass of dream worlds that we visited, together. despite the happiness that was promised, all i could hear was darkness. being it the worst, because i don't remember hearing it before then. she was always crying. her tears turned into my own, and soon all those memories didnt mean a thing. because all i remember now is the way the corner looked, when i was hiding in the darkness from both the light and who you were now. i tried at first, to fight back, through words and sometimes actions. but you and me both know that i am not strong enough. so i stopped fighting, and learned to be strong. strong in that i was a rock. i did not speak words, nor truth, nothing. and when they were exchanged back, i kept them all inside. they still are, there. and everytime you threw at me hurt, it didn't matter. i stood tall, then. but when the lights were off, and the door closed i fell into pieces. i fell into pieces so that you could not hear, because i knew if you did there would be more to come. i've fallen apart so many times that i think all the peices are lying around and i have yet to peice them back together and find out who i am.

i don't regret my destination. no, its all i've ever wanted and its coming true. maybe when i'll be able to put some stuff back together and i hope with all my heart that when i return, you will have learned another way to demonstrate your emotions. because im tired of fighting. and dont you ever forget that you have put me here, where i am now. and i know you are ashamed of that place, but it's really too bad you cant go back into time, yes? yeah.

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