Friday, January 13, 2006

This Empty Room Won't Make Anything Right.

People. Just get the best out of me...
So many different kinds of people... and a certain kind, maybe a certain person has got to me.
Where have you got your narrow mind? What is it in you that makes you feel like you know aboustely everything...? Where is it that you think you have the awnsers about everyone, when you base your knowledge on something you've heard from someone else. You don't know me.... you don't know her... you know us but you don't really know us. Different things are right for different people, and if your going to judge us under your standards then do. But don't make a big deal out of it.
And what it is it with you and stereotypes? And have you ever gotten the idea to your mind, that no, we don't need your matchmaking service, and when we tell you something, we'd like it to stay told to you and not the rest of the world. And humiliuation... has that ever happened to you? Because your slightly good at letting everybody else feel that every time something comes out of your mouth.
I just wish a) people wouldn't judge based on something as confining and self demeaning as stereotypes. b) I could trust people. this is exactly why I don't. c) you wouldn't think you know absoutely everything. You don't. Don't even...
Im slightly done my rant.
This friday was a good one. Breakfast, sleeping in... two classes. Lunch date with Alli. Afternoon off. Graham and Zach over... nice signs. Nice conversation over zach's music. niiice. Mini mini mini pool tournaments. arguing.... the thought of getting up early tomorrow morning...
I got a essay due on Tuesday. So scared...

good night.


zachary said...

thanks for having us over brooke :)
I hope you liked the music last night.

anyways... I know what you mean. like what you talked about but yea. I guess I still trust people. wanna move away and buy a city where there are no bad people allowed?

Anonymous said...

Ok.. So You've definately gotta be talkin bout stupid bryce in this one. At least slightly referring to him. Wow, he drove me nuts last night, why cant he just let the collin thing go. no one else thinks its that big of a deal. really. wow,. stupid him. anywayz, some exciting things. i got some new jewellery at value village today and track was very tough but good, and i got some more good pictures at the river. anywayz. love you.