i don't know how i've gotten "out" of blogging on here. I don't know how i've gotten "out" of my thoughts. I've always been the one for emotion: true and raw... although I think the only person i've been fooling lately is myself. (I've got it bad.)
I was sitting on the bus todays, crouched down by the window with bright eyes "lua" on and my hood pulled right over my hair and I realized somewhat how pathetic i really am. I've kind of have been on fast forward alot lately, and convcing everyone that i am okay, that i am cool with the way things are. i've got it good. but i... me... has got it bad. (because what is so easy in the evening, in the morning is such a drag). every day... (and if you promise to stay conscious i will try to do the same.) promise.
and smiling... what is that? im trying.... oh so much. so much. I like life. I have lots. But i don't really... like it. why? and why are good days (like todays. monday didn't get me) but somehow... i always end up in: this.
and what is: this? i don't know. it's janurary. its november mostly. its feburary and sometimes march and april. and sometimes september and sometimes... its good at taking me over. its good at making everything else: numb. its good at making me very unattractive person. in all ways.
so if you guys are holding out for the truth now: then this is it... this is the way i am. i don't why, or how... its just: me. (im not sure what all this trouble is, that started all of this. The reasons all have run away, but the feeling never did)
to end this in maybe somewhat a happy note im posting pictures (if this thing lets me) of a beautiful sunrise i saw this morning (up above). oh so beautiful...
(bright eyes- lua)
So Dearie.
How are you? Really? I miss you. Although maybe I dont know the real you. I just dont know. Either way, I love you! And I hope your day has turned out alright, being sick is no fun. But maybe I can come visit you today, bearing good news and some oh so funny stories! Ok! Love you!
promise me we are still on for friday! We need to talk girl.You looked cute todays...as usual. I love you
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