Tuesday, September 27, 2005


So, lately i've noticed i've been posting blogs with a small explanation of my day, and maybe some thoughts when I used to only post when I was having one of those nights where questions ran through my head... and in need of explanation. So, maybe I need to slow it down on here.. because i'm sure you guys don't like hearing about my boring life...
Todays been an okay day. This year, it's easy to find school fun when I have spares everyday and when teachers let us get away with almost everything... but I can't say that the stress of school dosen't get to me, or there are those days where you go and everything is a drag... where you just want to go home and crawl into bed, and not have to think about friends and people, and stupid gossip and... life.
I have a tiny prayer request. My friend Chrissy got rushed into the doctors office this morning, when an injury occuring to her ankle and knee happened (football) Her life is track and volleyball. That is what she is passionate for, and that's the highlights. She's not picking up her cell, so I've burned some cds and drew a nice picture for her and im going to go over there before bible study to see what's going on, but all in all, it's bad news and I cant help feeling major sorry for her! Thank-you God, it's only strained ligaments and no serious damage! (she just "called" now)
My sister somehow blew our stupid computer speakers, so that is some bad news on my part. It was Andy's first day back after being sick for a week... so it was good to have her in school again! My friend and I went out for coffee last class and resolved the whole Sunday issue... so that was good, glad we're friends again.. and things back to normal! I'm looking forward to the weekened too. Joel made Curtis switch Friday with him so I could go to into the city with him and etc so that should be okay.. funny... and watching volleyball at U of S on saturday and so on and so forth... things are looking up. Something I prayed last night was that as much as i'm all out for God when things are going great, I need to be all out for him when it's bad too, because that's when I need him most!
Something else that's been in my prayers is his direction. I thought I knew what I wanted to do next year, but i'm not quite sure that's what he wants, and what I want. As much as I should be applying for places, I am totally clueless on that issue! I'm sure i'll get it worked out though! Anyways, I am out. I need to eat supper and get out of here... so ttyl all!

1 comment:

zachary said...

hey brooke. I feel like the only one leaving comments. sorry for being a creep. But I just wanted to say that I know how it feels to have those days at school where everything is a drag. I definitly had one of those days.

But thats life.