Thursday, June 22, 2006

i didn't get the job.

exams are over.

Needless to say, my day didn't go too great. I am tired, really tired. I was at school 9-11 cramming for math. 11-11:30 at a very unsuccesful interview. 12:30-2:30 a horrid math departmental.

but im done. the school aspect of it anyway. Tomorrow is grad. That means like +382y4372y43732t872 things to do. And I have to wake up early to be in Saskatoon for the appointments. I want to go to bed early tonight, but I have to make this big collage thing for my Mother. And like 40 other things else.

So, if we haven't hung out in a while and you want too, then call me up this weekend. or next week. Because, I don't hae a job and I sure don't have school or physchology to use as an excuse. you can always get me on my cell.

but i'm relieved.

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