Thursday, April 20, 2006

Nothing speaks louder right now then how truely blessed I am.

An abundance of letters, pictures, handmade pictures, crafts, mini books, mixtapes, poems, cards, words of encouragement, memories, awards, certicifates; etc. First it seemed like a pain... them all falling off my closet shelf and onto my floor.

I know it was for a reason. We all need be reminded sometimes how lucky we are.


Anonymous said...

Hello I am Sergey from Europe. I am looking for friends worldwide for common interests in hobbies and other activities. I have 1st den Taekwondo WTF. I graduated Grant MacEwan Business School (Edmonton, Canada).

Anonymous said...

and you wanted to burn it all.....!
good thing i saved it from the fire

brooke said...

different stuff, you goofball.

do you always check my blog?

imjustkidding, you know that i love you in not at all a awkward/ weird way.
