Monday, November 06, 2006

Sometimes I feel like a whole lifetime has passed while I have been here. I think like days like this where I go to do my laundry and go to the post office to mail off a package for my family (Which apparently costs more then the contents of the box are worth) that I never lived anyplace else. It was weird to think, before I got here, of anything else then there but now this place feels like home and i've fallen into the routine. Its funny because now that I'vé got on a plane and lived here for two months on my own, that i can do anything, now. It just feels natural to be independant, like this state of mind always existed.
Being surronded by beauty like this leaves you to forget the bad situations that are going on in your life. I feel like alot of those run-ins have happened, but I feel more at peace with it all, and I don't understand... that. I don't think I have to, and thats espescially hard to accept, since i've gone through life thinking that I have to have the awnsers to everything that involves my future.
Im sitting in Kind Coffee with Leah right now, looking out the window at the passing cars and how dark it is at 5:06. Im listening to Keane "Bad Dream" and with a chai, and these moments you remember why your living, and not just surviving.
Im doing more of this living thing, these days.

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