Tuesday, August 22, 2006

i walked that street tonight, the one i've walked so many times in the company of no one. the streelight never seemed to function the way it should and that made me think of what is between us.

i've gotten used to everything that is you: the importance of your routine, and the way you seem to admire me when night has fallen. the feel of the touch and what you make it mean. how you seem to remember the short distance between here and where it is going to be, and i don't know how i will stand it. the way you seem to never forget where i am or where i am going. the way things are suddenly seeming surreal for you, and different, and you don't know what to do. i don't know what to do.

it ironic the way i change my feelings toward change. but I know this time, where my favor will be. and it will be with you, and not this.

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