Thursday, January 11, 2007

I was suprised by my intentions- lonely, vulenrable, sullen-- desperate. My intentions laced with the glimmer of my bare arm with the moonlights attention, or the lipstick i wore. Small steps and big hopes. A glance there, a wave here, but none of that put brakes upon my destination. A steady but graceful pace, that had never gotten me anywhere before, until now. The dimmness of the moon had escaped and there it was- Bright and romantic and stood with protection and trust, and I realized that it had me there. And that was all.

Push Rewind...

Don't Make Promises You Can't Keep. don't make promises you can't keep. Don't make promises you can't keep. DONT MAKE PROMISES YOU CANT KEEP... It echoes in my head with disapointment and grief. Over and over again.
It's real easy to let another thing slip and fall beyond your reach. After a while, you don't reach for anything because your sick of trying and you just let it fall.
That what has has done to me. Towards me. Forever.

"i'd rather give the world away, then wake up lonely..."

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