Sunday, October 08, 2006

There is some days where I believe with everything in me that we just simply exist.

The fog has seemed to take not only my emotions with it, but any sense of direction in both my thoughts and what I believed to be true. Its like losing a part of you, but its the kind of losing you know your going to gain something back, even if its not the kind you expected to.

Sometimes my stomach hurts real bad about the thought of the way I seem to die when this season changes. Die with the change in the colors and the air and the conversation.

I felt like time existed only in that time of night when the moon moved across the sky faster then my thoughts about you and I, and it didn't matter that I faded into that single light and woke up only when it had decided to fade. Thats the time where you gain the thought that your actually here for something of a purpose and you can live with the thought that everyday is not only a day, but potential, and
you feel... okay.

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