After just over a week of taking care of Dustin’s nieces, I have came to the conclusion that we are not ready for kids- not in two years of marriage, but it is looking like five now.
Don’t get me wrong- I love those girls. They are fun, unique, sweet, beautiful girls who I get the privilege of being an aunt to. They make me laugh, and teach me a lot about teenagers today, which is where it starts to get interesting.
The eldest one, having just turned sixteen, and like any sixteen year old girl, likes to visit her friends- A lot. Dustin and I are used to going to bed around 10:30-11:00, with our busy work day ahead. But this week, I didn’t get into bed until 11:30-12:00.
The youngest one still adores her uncle. She was very excited to spend the minutes following the school day, until when we had to bug her to go to bed, playing Xbox with him, which is great, of course. Dustin and I are still excited she thinks we’re “cool”, but tiring, nonetheless.
The girls also have needs—these include Vietnamese food on Tuesday, McDonalds on Thursday, movie nights- you get the picture.
Nearing the end, we are both exhausted- I’m sick with a cold and happy to get back home. But in the back of both of our minds, we are happy we got to do it. The girl’s might not see all the little things, but their parents do- and they’re the ones that will be taking chare of our little cuties when we finally decide to have them.
In five years or so.